Price is based on 8 persons.
Check in: Saturday after 15:00
Check out: Saturday till 09:00
Terms of payment:
- 30 % in advance, after booking confirm
- 70 % after coming
Terms of cancellation and refund:
- in case of cancellation 120 days before the date of the reservation we do refund 100%
- in case of cancellation 60 - 119 days before the date of the reservation we do refund 50%
- in case of cancellation 59 days or less before the date of the reservation we don’t do refund
- in case of cancellation, unused deposited funds can be used next year
Data for payment:
Bank: Zagrebacka banka d.d., Zagreb
The account holder: Vlasta Antunovic, Simiceva 13, Split, Croatia
Account number IBAN: HR2523600003116331530